Resident data ends at 2c38, program starts at 2c38, file ends at e708 Starting analysis pass at address 2c38 End of analysis pass, low address = 2c38, high address = d1a0 [Start of text] S001: "B E D L A M" S002: " An Interactive Preview Copyright (c) 1997 by Michael Zey. " S003: "960912" S004: "6/2" S005: "a" S006: "You can't go that way." S007: "the" S008: "the" S009: "the" S010: "the" S011: "the" S012: "the" S013: "the" S014: "the" S015: "the" S016: "the" S017: "the" S018: "the" S019: "Darkness" S020: "It is pitch dark, and you can't see a thing." S021: "As good-looking as ever." S022: "Nameless item" S023: "your former self" S024: "You hear Barbara's voice come from down the hall. "You're not stepping one foot out of that room until you turn off that damn alarm clock."" S025: "I wasn't lying, you know. The only exit is to the south." S026: "This bed has been the basis of a life-long argument between you and your wife, Barbara. She insists that it should be made every morning. You believe that daily ritual is a futile gesture because, after all, it will just get "unmade" again later that night." S027: "A pile of splinters sit where the dresser used to be." S028: "It's a small pile are sharp, pointy wooden slivers." S029: "Embossed on the cover are the words, "Salvation lay within!" How true those words are." S030: "It is a fifty-cent piece. JFK is on one side. Somebody has drilled a tiny hole through his head." S031: "An alarm on the dresser is screeching." S032: "It's a piece of junk. It doesn't even display the time since your son, Tony, ripped the hands off. Although for such a small device, it produces one hell of a noise. There is a snooze button on top." S033: "This bat belongs to Tony, your son. You confiscated it from him when he had taken to smashing mailboxes with it." S034: "A short hallway extends from here to the east. Your room is to the north. The hellhole that is Tony's room is to the west. Loud music blares from that direction. There is a bathroom to the south." S035: "You take one step in, but find yourself having to flee in agony. There's no way you can handle that loud music with the headache you've got." S036: "This room is such an unholy mess, it boggles the mind that anybody could possibly live in it. Loud music pours from some unseen source. Nothing productive can be done here with room in this state. It really defies description. You can flee this evil place to the east." S037: "There is no escape...except to the east." S038: "Tony's room is still a veritable mess, but at least now one can function it it. Clothes, toys, and debris litter the soiled carpet. A rumpled bed sits in one corner. Against the opposite wall is a medium-sized desk. The only exit is to the east." S039: "The place is still a mess, but you've clean up as much as you care to." S040: "Music blares from a stereo sitting on the desk." S041: "It emits very loud music. (If you can call what that kid listens to "music".) The knobs appear to have been coated with some sort of glue." S042: "Unmade, just like yours. You taught your son well." S043: "Your missing screwdriver. You wondered what happened to it." S044: "It's a tube of glue used for model airplanes. The boy has apparently been very busy with it. It's nearly empty." S045: "It's a tube of glue used for model airplanes. It's currently empty. " S046: "Kitsch is the word to describe the tasteless decor of the living room. The walls are painted with garish pastels and the curtains are a bright plaid. Plastic covers all the furniture. A hallway heads to the west. There is an archway on the northwall that leads into the kitchen. You can leave the house to the south. A television set sits in the center of the room." S047: "All the furniture is decorated with a floral pattern and is covered with plastic." S048: "Your wife, Barbara, sits on the sofa watching some show on television." S049: "Barbara is lovely and (in order to survive life with you) very patient. Her attire matches the gaudy decor of the living room perfectly. The day Barbara dies, polyster stock prices will plummet." S050: "This shabby formica stand wobbles slightly under the weight of the television set." S051: "It's here somewhere." S052: "Sunlight fills the room." S053: "Barbara, seated on the sofa, is staring at you. She looks mad." S054: "If looks could kill...." S055: "You can't see any such thing." S056: "The walls, floor, and appliances of this kitchen are all various shades of off-white, creating a slight disorientating effect. The ceiling above the oven has been smoked black due to a small number of cooking mishaps, all of them having occured when Barbara made the mistake of letting you cook. A refrigerator is nest to the door to the garage, which goes southeast. You can either pass south through an archway to the living room or go outside to the north." S057: "You can't imagine a more depressing sight." S058: "The back yard hasn't been mowed in quite some time. The grass is thick enough for even the most intrepid explorers to get lost in. A brick patio near the back door (which you are standing on) provides some refuge from the greenery. You can enter the house to the south." S059: "Better stay on the patio. Who knows what is living in there?" S060: "Bricks have been neatly laid here to form a patio, providing an oasis of sorts amid the thick grass that surrounds you." S061: "The back yard is choked with weeds and tall grass." S062: "Tony is trying to pick up the fifty-cent piece." S063: "Tony is your precocious eight-year-old son. His hobbies include model airplanes, vandalism, and getting suspended from school. Besides that, he plays a mean game of Whist. He is currently trying to pick up the fifty-cent piece you glued to the ground." S064: "The garage smells strongly of exhaust fumes. The walls are painted with oil and grease. Not the cleanest of garages, but it has always provided your precious vehicle with sweet, sweet sanctuary. A door to the northwest goes back into the house, or you can go outside by heading due south." S065: "The less said about them, the better." S066: "One stylin' dude." S067: "Your beautiful red car sits in the middle of the garage." S068: "It's an Edsel. She's been clunky throughout the years, but you kept 'er going. The red paint has peeled in some spots revealing a grey coat underneath." S069: "It's has peeled in some spots revealing the original grey coat underneath." S070: "This ring of keys holds the key to start your car." S071: "This would be as pleasant neighborhood if it weren't for the tacky mauve house at the end of the street. Wait a minute, that's YOUR house. Children, joggers, and other pedestrians give this place wide berth. But your neighbors are nice enough to mow your lawn regularly. But that might stem from the fact that you never do it yourself. In the middle of the yard is a large, oak tree that has been a part of your family since they moved to this country in the 1700s. Your father would call it "The Family Tree". It has been a source of pride for generations. You can walk through the front door to the north or enter the garage that's northeast of here." S072: "It's way too far to walk. Better take the car." S073: "Your father told you that this tree symbolizes pride. Actually, you've always thought it a bit of an eyesore." S074: "Embedded in "The Family Tree" is an axe. You've been trying to chop that tree down. (It looks ugly.)" S075: "You're wearing your birthday suit. For the unenlightened, that means you're naked." S076: "read" S077: "apply 'ofclass' for" S078: ""name"" S079: ""create"" S080: ""recreate"" S081: ""destroy"" S082: ""remaining"" S083: ""copy"" S084: ""call"" S085: ""print"" S086: ""print_to_array"" S087: ""before"" S088: ""after"" S089: ""life"" S090: ""n_to/door_to"" S091: ""s_to/when_closed/when_off"" S092: ""e_to/with_key"" S093: ""w_to/door_dir"" S094: ""ne_to/react_before"" S095: ""se_to/add_to_scope"" S096: ""nw_to/react_after"" S097: ""sw_to/list_together"" S098: ""u_to/invent"" S099: ""d_to/plural"" S100: ""in_to/grammar"" S101: ""out_to/orders"" S102: ""initial/when_open/when_on"" S103: ""description"" S104: ""describe"" S105: ""article"" S106: ""cant_go"" S107: ""found_in"" S108: ""time_left"" S109: ""number"" S110: ""time_out/daemon"" S111: ""each_turn"" S112: ""capacity"" S113: ""short_name"" S114: ""parse_name"" S115: ""whatisit"" [End of text] [End of file]